The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County is in strong financial shape, affording us the unique opportunity to make desirable improvements without raising taxes. Through smart money management, we can repair aging infrastructure, restore natural areas, add trail connections, and pursue environmental sustainability goals. Along the way, we seek public input through our master planning process so you can have a say in how we move forward in making the preserves the best possible experience for you as you visit.
Some of the many good things we have accomplished includes---
Approved design and construction of Willowbrook Wildlife Center enhancements. One third of the cost will come from outside funding sources.
Major progress in restoration of Spring Brook Creek at St. James Farm and Blackwell.
A major habitat restoration project for Herrick Lake now underway.
Installed solar panels for the Fleet Management building on Mack Rd.
Initiated a comprehensive energy audit and sustainability review of our facilities and operations.
Initiated a green fund for donations for solar energy and other environmental projects.
Passed a qualified bidder ordinance.
Master plans are being developed for Herrick Lake, Green Valley, and Waterfall Glen preserves. See master plans.
Restoring the historic Mayslake mansion.
Reviewing buildings and operations on Mack Rd. for better efficiency and effectiveness.
Passed a dark skies resolution to protect nature at night.
Making trail access connections near Danada, Springbrook Prairie, Blackwell, and Pratt's Wayne Woods.
Planning to soon connect West Branch River Trail segments with a bridge over Roosevelt Rd.
Maintenance work in progress or planned for our landfills to keep them safe.
See our overall master plan for a complete list of priorities.
Again - we are doing all of this while keeping the tax levy flat!