I eagerly anticipate the closing for purchase of 35 acres on the east side of Danada Forest Preserve before the end of the year. This land will be maintained as open space and will complement the natural beauty of the area.

Meanwhile, in Glen Ellyn the new DuPage Wildlife Center is nearing completion. The animal hospital will become operational before the end of the year, while the new visitor center may be open as early as Spring 2025.
Oak woodlands at Churchill Woods have seen significant restoration. Invasive plants have been removed so that sunlight once again reaches the forest floor. Now the oak trees can regenerate, providing a new generation of oak trees. This is necessary so that the oak forest will continue to thrive. We won't need to wait long for native plants to emerge!
The Danada House renovations will be completed prior to the 2025 event season. Revenue from weddings and other events will help pay for the renovations and assure preservation of this historic building.
A solar array is planned for the grounds at the Districts Headquarters building. With state and federal incentives, the numbers look really good for this facility. Not only will the financial payback be only 5 years, thereby saving on electricity bills, but the array will significantly reduce the “carbon footprint” of the headquarters building.
Why restore natural areas?
There are several benefits of natural restoration:
Once the District re-establishes native plant communities, the land becomes more resilient to climate change.
Opening up the woods to let sunlight reach the forest floor allows restored areas to have more biodiversity, addressing the collapse of insect and bird populations, and supporting rare and endangered species.
Restoring woodlands and prairies enhances natural beauty for us to enjoy as we visit the preserves.
Many natural areas excel at stormwater management simply by acting as sponges.
We have better air quality results as vegetation absorbs air pollutants.
Here’s a good example of what the District is doing, https://www.dupageforest.org/what-we-do/projects/herrick-lake
Why pursue sustainability?
People, especially young people, are very concerned about climate change. Substantial action on climate offers hope for our future, a future in which humankind can thrive. Besides, clean energy projects will save the District money in the long run.